JTK – Notes and Ramblings Things we have found …


Pi Weather Radio Updates

Filed under: General — taing @ 10:42 pm

After updating the Pi to Bookworm things didn’t seem to work correctly for the Pi SDR Weather Radio (pt 2, pt 3, pt 4). The problem was with the new version of ezstream. Turns out this is solvable from with a quick search. Newer versions of ezstream(1.x) no longer support the .xml format configuration format from version 0.x.

There is an included utility, ezstream-cfgmigrate, to solve the problem.

ezstream-cfgmigrate -0 ezstream.xml >ezstream.conf

will create a newly formatted file, ezstream.conf, to use.

I also realized I had never documented the current version of the scripts.

The first file is start.sh. This is typically going to be left running, typically with screen.

cd weatherRadio
rm -f one two three; mkfifo one two three

./to-same.sh <one &
./to-lame.sh <two &
./to-udp.sh <three &
rtl_fm -f 162550000 -s 22050 -p 14 | tee one two three |multimon-ng -t raw -a EAS /dev/stdin

Everything else happens in a subfolder. We first delete and creates three bash fifos, each processed by a separate script.

to-same.sh handles the actual SAME messages, MQTT and starting the speaker output:

multimon-ng -t raw -a EAS /dev/stdin | python3 ~/tg-dsame/dsame.py --mqtt jtk-openhab.home.arpa --json output.json --call /home/pi/weatherRadio/playRadio.sh --command boo

to-lame.sh (named before we switched to sox) handles the streaming via ezstream:

sox -t raw -r 22050 -b 16 -e signed -c 1 -v 7 - -r 22050 -t mp3 -c 1 -C 64 - sinc -3.5k |ezstream -c ezstream.conf

to-udp.sh creates the udp stream for playRadio.sh:

sox -t raw -r 22050 -b 16 -e signed -c 1 -v 7 - -r 22050 -t mp3 -c 1 -C 64 - sinc -3.5k|socat - udp4-sendto:localhost:5555

playRadio.sh pipes the udp stream from to-udp.sh to play using netcat and plays for two minutes to the attached speaker:

nc -lu 5555|play -t mp3 -&
sleep 120
killall "play"

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