JTK – Notes and Ramblings Things we have found …


Openhab zwave

Filed under: General,Home Automation — taing @ 11:44 pm

I added the zwave binding:
sudo apt-get install openhab-addon-binding-zwave

For the Aeon Labs Z-Stick Series 2 which appears as /dev/ttyUSB0 I had to add the openhab user to the dialout group:
sudo adduser openhab dialout

To bind devices I used Habmin – https://github.com/cdjackson/HABmin. I chose the complied release version – https://github.com/cdjackson/HABmin/releases. The alternative is to install source from the git and compile.

So far I have linked a RadioThermostat CT-80 with Z-wave interface and a Aoetec Home Energy Meter(2nd edition).

For the HEM it was necessary to set the mode properly for periodic updates.

The RadioThermostat only sends changes and only works in “dumb” mode when using zwave. I have not yet been able to read the humidity from the thermostat. The definition in the openhab zwave binding is imcomplete.

Radio Thermostat WiFi Module : http://ndgeek.com/ct-50/RTCOAWiFIAPIV1_3.pdf. The radio module I had was very unreliable and disconnected frequently. I did find some interesting discussions on using the WiFi module with Openhab – https://community.openhab.org/t/binding-radio-thermostat/5480 & https://community.openhab.org/t/how-to-return-current-temp-from-my-thermostat/3141

Radio Thermostat zwave Module: http://products.z-wavealliance.org/MarketCertification/File?folder=&filename=MarketCertificationFiles/1046/RTZW-02_module_IB_9jun14.pdf. The Openhab wiki does have some good examples for the zwave interface – https://community.openhab.org/t/collection-of-working-z-wave-configs/1407

Aoetec Home Energy Meter(2nd edition): https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=forums&srcid=MDM3NTIwMDUwMTA4OTkyOTEwNDQBMTc2Mjg0MjUxOTM5MzgwNTU2ODABYXZNMEo0RUZVcllKATAuMQEBdjI.

iPhone Locator for Openhab

Filed under: General,Home Automation — taing @ 5:00 pm

This is based on the work by many others.

Firstly, pyicloud – https://github.com/picklepete/pyicloud

For this you need:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo apt-get install python-dev libffi-dev
sudo pip install pyopenssl ndg-httpsclient pyasn1
sudo pip install pyicloud

As the pyicloud documentation mentions, the first time you use this you will get a message from Apple letting you know your iCloud account was accessed.

To test I created location.py :
from pyicloud import PyiCloudService
api = PyiCloudService('myaccount@icloud.com','password')

python location.py

The second part of this is iphone-locator-bridge

I modified this a bit for my specific site. The includes changing the openhab items defined, passing back the actual longitude/latitude and distance and only running on demand.

I found the POST syntax in the original was giving me issues so I converted to the GET syntax:
url = '%s/CMD?%s=%s' % (gConfigurationOH['ohserver'], gConfigurationOH['ohitemdist'], dist)

It was necessary to add complete path info for the log file and the config file in roder for these to be found correctly when the script is called by an Openhab executeCommandLine().

The iPhone and home locations are then plotted on Google Maps using the info found at https://github.com/openhab/openhab/wiki/GoogleMap.

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