JTK – Notes and Ramblings Things we have found …


Mailwasher .vs. SPAM

Filed under: General — taing @ 9:34 pm

MailWasher is a powerful email checker with effective spam elimination. Discover the safe way to stop unwanted viruses and emails before they get to your computer

PuTTY: a free Win32 telnet/ssh client

Filed under: General — taing @ 7:41 pm

PuTTY: a free Win32 telnet/ssh client
PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. It is written and maintained primarily by Simon Tatham.


More Tables replaced by CSS

Filed under: General — taing @ 8:08 pm

glish.com : CSS layout techniques
Look Ma, No Tables.
If you are looking for help making the transition to CSS layout (that’s Cascading Style Sheets), you’ve come to the right place. I am cataloging here as many useful cross-browser CSS layout techniques as I can find, and some that I made up when I was bored last Thursday. All the examples on this site have been reduced to only their essential code, and you will find the source displayed on each page to hopefully make it quick and easy to understand the inner workings of the CSS. Feel free to steal all the code you find on this site, and consider linking back here on your site or in your source comments.

CSS can be better than tables

Filed under: General — taing @ 6:44 pm

A List Apart: Practical CSS Layout Tips, Tricks and Techniques
THE WEB STANDARDS PROJECT’S (WaSP) Browser Upgrade Initiative (BUI), has spurred many a designer to move towards more Standards Compliant web design, using CSS rather than TABLEs for layout.
This article includes some helpful CSS tips including a nice way to do a thumbnail page without tables. hmmm…


When architects go bad

Filed under: General — taing @ 6:48 pm

LILEKS (James) The Gobbler 2.0
What were they thinking?
Imagine the pitch to the investors:


The Smart Tags Weblog

Filed under: General — taing @ 9:40 pm

The Smart Tags Weblog : Home
I started this website to coordinate work to disable Microsoft’s smart tags feature on as much of the Web as we possibly can. I decided to do this as people have been sending me stories about work going on in various server environments to make it easy for users to do so. I got an email from a webmaster who works for the Australian government wanting to know how to do it. There must be a place where we can exchange information about this. It’s in that spirit that I started this site



Filed under: General — taing @ 10:24 pm

Picture to HTML
PIC2HTML – http://pic2html.vvv.tf/
Try the PIC2TEXT converter too!
A very cool gif/jpg/bmp/png to text convertor.


Starting something new

Filed under: General — taing @ 12:10 am

Welcome to the New JTK Development Movable Type blog.


MOVABLE TYPE :: Personal Publishing

Filed under: General — taing @ 5:46 pm

MOVABLE TYPE :: Personal Publishing System Movable Type is a web-based personal publishing system. It is designed to ease maintenance of regularly-updated news or journal sites, like weblogs. The Movable Type system runs on your own webserver, giving you complete control over your site.

OpenDWG Alliance — Downloads: Guest

Filed under: General — taing @ 4:09 pm

OpenDWG Alliance — Downloads: Guest Files Welcome to the Guest Download area. Here you’ll find a number of DWG resources that are available to non-members as well as a preview of the additional downloads available to you if you decide to become a member of the OpenDWG? Alliance.


No More Popup Ads Because

Filed under: General — taing @ 4:35 pm

No More Popup Ads Because Pop-up Ads Suck
These links take you directly to the “opt out” feature of the ad server listed. Clicking these links stop the advertising from that adserver

P3P Privacy Policy Generator for

Filed under: General — taing @ 12:27 pm

P3P Privacy Policy Generator for web site builder (Version 12 Dec.2000) Create a simple P3P machine readable policy. You still need to create the human readable yourself but this is a start.

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