JTK – Notes and Ramblings Things we have found …


TrueNAS Scale and Dropbox

Filed under: General — taing @ 5:59 pm

Unfortunately, TrueNAS Scale doesn’t natively support the Dropbox service. It does support Dropbox through Cloud Data Protection however that only provides for one way sync. The gist found at https://gist.github.com/kbumsik/b7cc243e297a3a66837151024049f43c provides an option. The gist will not survive a system update but can be re-enabled.

Make sure you create a regular user for dropbox and give them a home directory in your pool/home. For example, user dropbox with a home directory of /mnt/tank1/home/dropbox. The gist will have you the dropbox headless linux install directly from Dropbox along with the handy dropbox.py script from Dropbox before adding their service script. A summary of the commands from Dropbox and the gist:

su dropbox
wget https://www.dropbox.com/download?plat=lnx.x86_64
tar -xzf name_of_downloaded_file
# this can take a long time especially on reinstallation

wget https://linux.dropbox.com/packages/dropbox.py
sudo mkdir /etc/db
sudo cp dropbox.py /etc/db/dropbox-cli
sudo chmod +x /etc/db/dropbox-cli

wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/kbumsik/b7cc243e297a3a66837151024049f43c/raw/b339fbeee2ba1081723612bec5aacf92cc60e7c2/dropbox-start.target

# Edit the service unit for your needs - be sure user id is correct and adjust path for dropbox-cli
pico dropbox-start.target

sudo cp dropbox-start.target /etc/systemd/system/dropbox-start.service
sudo systemctl enable --now dropbox-start.service
sudo systemctl status dropbox-start.service

I have saved dropbox.py and dropbox-start.target at truenas dropbox.zip in case the gist goes missing.

UPDATE: after a short while the process gave me an error that it couldn’t monitor the entire folder structure and suggest I run the following command to resolve:

echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=100000 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf; sudo sysctl -p

UPDATE #2: After updating to TrueNAS Scale Dragonfish-24.04.0 /usr is Read Only. The commands above have been updated. You will need to edit dropbox-start.target with the proper path from dropbox-cli.

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