JTK – Notes and Ramblings Things we have found …



Filed under: General — taing @ 10:01 am

Transformation of Flash to XML and XML to Flash
Kinesis Software announces the release of it’s latest product: KineticFusion, a great advance in rich graphical content management. KineticFusion is the perfect fusion of new technologies for the Web. For the first time, SWF files, the native format for Macromedia? Flash™ can be fully represented in a new XML vocabulary, Rich Vector Markup Language, or RVML. Our processing engine can decompile SWF to RVML and compile RVML back into native SWF format. All resources, whether ActionScript, sound, video, or images can be extracted and inserted, SWF files can be viewed and manipulated using external development tools, versioned, stored, or translated to SVG allowing users to author SVG applications using any Flash™ authoring environment.

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