Internet Archive: Movie Collection This collection contains movies that the Prelinger Archives has digitized (about 956 now online) and donated to the Internet Archive. The films focus mainly on everyday life, culture, industry, and institutions in North America in the 20th century.
SVG Geometry SamplesThese are some
SVG Geometry Samples
These are some nifty dynamic SVG examples handling mathmatical relation between points.
Emacspeak –The Complete Audio Desktop
Emacspeak –The Complete Audio Desktop Emacspeak is a speech interface that allows visually impaired users to interact independently and efficiently with the computer. Audio formatting –a technique pioneered by AsTeR– and full support for W3C’s Aural CSS (ACSS) allows Emacspeak to produce rich aural presentations of electronic information. By seamlessly blending all aspects of the Internet such as Web-surfing and messaging, Emacspeak speech-enables local and remote information via a consistent and well-integrated user interface. Available free of cost on the Internet, Emacspeak has dramatically changed how the author and hundreds of blind and visually impaired users around the world interact with the personal computer and the Internet.
Immersion Corporation – Developers Now,
Immersion Corporation – Developers Now, with Immersion TouchSense?, the “feel” of your products isn’t some nebulous user interface concept. When you enable your game, software, or website with TouchSense, you let your users and visitors literally touch your work with their hands. Engaging someone’s sense of touch elevates that person from a mere observer to an involved, immersed participant.
SVG Wiki – Customizing Context
SVG Wiki – Customizing Context Menu Customizing the Adobe SVG Viewer Context Menu
Starting with version 3.0 of the Adobe SVG Viewer, SVG authors are allowed to modify the menu that pops up when the user right-clicks on the SVG.
1/12/2002 Shareware 2-d cad. Registered Shareware 2-d cad. Registered version supports SVG export.
Viewing VRML Worlds: Get Browser
Viewing VRML Worlds: Get Browser Getting a VRML Browser
Here’s the good or bad news right away: if you have a Windows 9x machine, you’ve got lots of choices. If you have a Mac, a Linux system, or the best selling Unix platforms, you have several choices. If you have a Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer, you’re completely out of luck (though I can make you a deal on some parts).
MINOS Freeware 3-d modeling with
MINOS Freeware 3-d modeling with VRML 2.0 output. A Java based XML A Java based XML browser – XML, XSLT, SMIL, SVG… Currently NOT XHTML svg links Lots of svg links Lots of SVG info and links including a MIME type checker.
PicoBSD, the Small BSD. PicoBSD
PicoBSD, the Small BSD. PicoBSD is a one floppy version of FreeBSD 3.0-current, which in its different variations allows you to have secure dialup access, small diskless router or even a dial-in server. And all this on only one standard 1.44MB floppy. It runs on a minimum 386SX CPU with 8MB of RAM (no HDD required!).
Webcore Labs Inc – Instant-WAP
Webcore Labs Inc – Instant-WAP CGI Version 1.3 Instant-WAP 1.3 is a CGI application that converts websites on-the-fly for wireless devices. Once Instant-WAP is installed on your server, every change you make to your html site is relflected in the wireless (wml) version. Using Instant-WAP, you don’t have to maintain multiple versions of the same site.