JTK – Notes and Ramblings Things we have found …


AsteriskNOW GUI via SSL

Filed under: General,Router/PC Config — taing @ 8:40 pm

You’ve already seen how to enable the Asterisk Manager interface and the GUI webserver. What is needed now is adding SSL for the added layer of security.

The /etc/asterisk/manager.conf file contains some of the info and further hints were found scattered about on the web.

Hopefully you already have OpenSSL installed. If not then try yum install openssl.

First for the manager interface. Add the block to the config.

sslenable=yes                           ; set to YES to enable it
sslbindport=5039                        ; the port to bind to
sslbindaddr=               ; address to bind to, default to bindaddr
sslcert=/etc/asterisk/cert.pem          ; path to the certificate.

You can build the sslcert with:

openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out /etc/asterisk/cert.pem -keyout /etc/asterisk/cert.pem

The parts above are actually pretty well documented online and adds the SSL layer for the management interface. The real secret was to add a similar block to /etc/asterisk/http.conf.

sslenable=yes                           ; set to YES to enable it
sslbindport=8089                        ; the port to bind to
sslbindaddr=                ; address to bind to, default to bindaddr
sslcert=/etc/asterisk/cert.pem          ; path to the certificate.

After adding this and a service asterisk restart you should be able to browse to https://yourserver:8089.

The certificate we created above is not signed by any authority and will need to be added to your browser as an exception.

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