JTK – Notes and Ramblings Things we have found …


TxQuery home page TxQuery is

Filed under: General — taing @ 5:06 pm

TxQuery home page TxQuery is an SQL engine implemented in a TDataSet descendant component, that can parse SQL syntax, and that will use that syntax to query to another TDataSet, or a group of TDatasets in order to get a result set.

sips | news Blog without

Filed under: General — taing @ 11:03 am

sips | news
Blog without databases – no MySQL


Streaming Media World: SMIL –

Filed under: General — taing @ 4:36 pm

Streaming Media World: SMIL – Synchronized MultiMedia Integration Language – Tutorials
More stuff about SMIL and RealPlayer… Some interesting links to other tutorials also.

RealNetworks Documentation Library : Production

Filed under: General — taing @ 4:32 pm

RealNetworks Documentation Library : Production & Authoring
Just the place to go read up on authoring SMIL stuff for playback with RealPlayer. Online and downloadable versions.


Synchronized Multimedia On The Web

Filed under: General — taing @ 4:35 pm

Synchronized Multimedia On The Web (Web Techniques, Sep 1998)
A bit old, but still a pretty good article to get you started with SMIL via the RealPlayer.


Professional Adobe Photoshop Articles by

Filed under: General — taing @ 11:30 am

Professional Adobe Photoshop Articles by Dan Margulis


Determining Browser Type and Version

Filed under: General — taing @ 4:14 pm

Determining Browser Type and Version with JavaScript When creating a web page, you may need to account for the possibility that viewers will be using browsers of various versions from various vendors. You may also need to account for the possibility that certain page elements such as native plug-ins may not be available on all operating systems.


Web Workshop – HTML Applications

Filed under: General — taing @ 4:41 pm

Web Workshop – HTML Applications

WEB ENGINE Beta Welcome to

Filed under: General — taing @ 4:36 pm

WEB ENGINE Beta Welcome to the beta of Virtual Mechanics’ WEB ENGINE V2. WEB ENGINE is our drag-and-drop editor for creating content rich interactive animation in DHTML and SVG.


DHTML Properties The following table

Filed under: General — taing @ 6:55 pm

DHTML Properties The following table lists the properties in the Dynamic HTML Object Model.

New DVD Support Features in

Filed under: General — taing @ 11:44 am

New DVD Support Features in DirectShow 8.0


Archive Builders – Paper Sizes

Filed under: General — taing @ 10:18 am

Archive Builders – Paper Sizes and Paper Weight: Metric and US Standards
Paper sizes are all related to letter size, because this is a convenient size for handling. In most of the world, letter size is ?A4? size or 210 by 297 millimeters. In the United States, letter size is ?A? size or 8 1/2 by 11 inches.

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