February 24, 2003

Apostrophe Type Design


Lots of very well done fonts - True type and Type 1

Posted by taing at 09:33 AM

February 19, 2003



VectorScript Diagnostic and Editing tool creates Records worksheet which can used to:
Examine VW Drawing object records and PIO records (parameters).
Diagnose file records
Edit Object & PIO record fields in worksheet and insert back into VW objects.
Edit individual records
Use copy and paste to change a field accross many records
Find a record object in the drawing.
Examine/Edit Records in the Symbol Library

Posted by taing at 08:30 AM

February 08, 2003

PHP and the OWASP Top Ten Security Vulnerabilities

sklar.com : PHP and the OWASP Top Ten Security Vulnerabilities

The Open Web Application Security Project released a helpful document that lists what they think are the top ten security vulnerabilities in web applications.
These vulnerabilities can, of course, exist in PHP applications. Here are some tips on how to avoid them. I've included related links and references where relevant.

Posted by taing at 07:21 PM

Live Headers

mozdev.org - livehttpheaders: index

Welcome to the livehttpheaders project.
The goal of this project is to adds information about the HTTP headers in two ways:
First by adding a 'Headers' tab in 'View Page Info' of a web page.
Second by adding a tool in the 'Tools->Web Development' menu to be able to display http headers in real time (while pages are being downloaded from the Internet.

Posted by taing at 07:15 PM

Context Menu Extensions

XUL Apps > ContextMenu Extensions - outsider reflex

This utility adds new features to the context menu of Navigator and Mail, following. (Some features work with only Navigator.)
You can show almost menu items following in the context menu or the menubar directly, and they are shown in the Extensions submenu at first.

Posted by taing at 06:39 PM